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How To Get Rid Of Blackheads In 5 Minutes

Blackheads are gross. A great many people get a couple in their lifetime, or perhaps you have them constantly – either or, they are gross. I'm certain the greater part of us have utilized those pore strips that tear them out of your face. Once in a while they work and at times they don't…

What is a blackhead?
Aside from a gross black mark on your face, honestly…it’s just that! A blackhead is a small black mark (like a blemish) that appears on the surface of your skin. The most common locations are the face, back and ears – though they can occur anywhere on the body. The appear most often in these 3 locations due to the large number of sweat glands that are located in these regions.

What causes blackheads?
Clogged glands or pores
Poor diet
Oily skin
Oily Hair

I think it’s a given that you need to wash your face (I personally recommend 2 times a day,) wash your hair and eat healthy…but how do you get rid of those pesky ones that just won’t let loose?!

What you need:
Half a lemon (it can be juiced)
3 drops of honey

Drop the honey on the lemon and rub the lemon all over your face, focusing on the areas that need the most help (aka nose, chin, lips…etc). Let it sit for 5-7 minutes and then rinse with cold water to close the pores.

My review: OMG! The outcomes were INSTANT! You know how you can feel the clogged pores when you rub your finger over your nose (or contaminated region?)

After I did this – my nose was SMOOTH without precedent for… well… FOREVER! I'm TOTALLY doing this two or three times each week.

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