How to Get Rid of Turkey Neck
If we talk about turkey neck, then this is basically a skin problem that is caused when your skin loses its elasticity. It happens, due to the sudden breakdown of connective tissues of skin like elastic fibers or collagen of the neck. There are several factors, which cause this problem. So, if you are waiting a long time to change your neck structure, then follow the remedies or natural treatments in this article to get rid of turkey neck.
1. Keep Yourself Hydrated to Get Rid of Turkey Neck:
Water plays a major role in preventing various skin-related issues and problems. It is a great ingredient needed to keep your body healthy and fit. All you need to start drinking water in a right amount to keep yourself hydrated. If ever in the midst of the day, you feel dehydrated just drink water. Always try to carry a water bottle with you, so whenever you feel thirsty, you may have water at any place or a moment. Water also helps in detoxifying your body by removing all the harmful toxins in your body through urination. It even helps in preventing sagging skin and getting rid of wrinkles. So, start drinking more amount of water and always keep yourself hydrated to get rid of turkey neck.
2. Maintain a Right Body Posture:
It is really important to keep a right body posture to get rid of postural deformities. In the case of turkey neck, you need to keep your neck straight. So, you won’t feel uneasiness, while moving your neck. Just keeping your neck straight will help in making your neck wrinkles more profound. So, always try to keep your neck straight.
3. Perform Neck Exercises to Get Rid of Turkey Neck:
One should perform neck exercises to get rid of turkey neck. These exercises work better than anything and help a lot in reshaping your neck.
Exercise No. 1:
Place one of your hand on your forehead. Now, push your head against your hand by moving it forward. You must start feeling that your neck muscles are working. Remain in the same position for about 10 seconds. After this, clasp your hands behind your head and push it in the backward direction to create a pressure and try to hold this position for 10 seconds.
Exercise No. 2:
Keep your back straight and keep it upright. Now, try to lift your head back and your chin should point towards the ceiling and keep your mouth shut. After this, start chewing something inside your mouth. When you will be performing this, you will feel that your facial muscles will start working. Repeat this process 20 times in a day to get rid of turkey neck.
Exercise No. 3
To perform this exercise just sit, while keeping your back straight. After this, lift your chin and point it in the direction of the ceiling. This time, form a pout with your lips. You may feel like you are clicking a selfie, but this exercise helps a lot in getting rid of turkey neck.
Exercise No. 4:
While performing this exercise, you need to stay alert as it may cause strain in your neck. Just lie on a bed and keep your head hanging over the edge. Slowly start moving and lifting your head towards the torso, while using your neck. After this, slowly and gently lower it and come to a normal position. Repeat this process 5 times in a day to get rid of turkey neck. Also, stop immediately whenever you feel or sense pain.
4. Use Make Up to Get Rid of Turkey Neck:
It is another great way to get rid of turkey neck. Though it is not a permanent solution, but it can work if you are going to a party or a casual meeting. It is a temporary solution that may cause illusion in the eyes of onlookers. All you need to use the foundation that matches your skin tone and simply apply it to your neck. You should also mix this foundation with a moisturizing cream to reduce the appearance of wrinkles from your skin.
5. Maintain a Healthy Body Fat to Get Rid of Turkey Neck:
It is really important to keep an all around lean body mass to get rid of turkey neck. You need to maintain an overall optimal skin body mass. For this, eat the right food, and avoid poor eating habits. For a man, the healthy body fat percentage is 6-17 percent and for women, it is 14-24 percent.
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